Thursday, April 9, 2009


What is Telephonitis???
It's A NEW disease
... means it's A NEW DISEASE in the body and mental that beginning of habit or a job that use the telephone or handphone for long-term.
Telephonitis can strike everybody at any time, anywhere.
If you work in an office you probably use the phone, on average, 20-25 times a day and if you don’t have a good posture when on the phone your muscles becomes weak.

Incorrect telephone posture involves slouching over the desk, ‘ phone cupped between ear and shoulder, as you use your free hands for other activities. Add to that using other office equipment such as typewriter, computer, word processor, a desk not quite the right height, and an unsuitable chair……and you’re in real trouble.

You may think that it won’t happen to you. But if you continue to have poor posture when on the telephone, then it is only a matter of time until the problems arise. This may be after a particular busy time on the telephone at work. So correct it now and save yourself pain later.

You are more likely to develop the painful telephone neck syndrome if you spend all day with a phone glued to your ear. When the pain starts, it suddenly becomes all-important to ring the postural changes!

During a busy telephoning day, make time to stretch out your neck and shoulder muscles. You may prevent problems occurring or getting worse. Make the effort now to stay healthy for work!
Your desk should be the right height for you. You should not have to bend too far forward to reach your work. Your chair should be supportive. Try not to sit on the edge of your chair; sit back into it whenever possible, and straighten up!

Hold the phone in your hand by the mouthpiece, as you hold it up to your ear. Change it from ear to ear if the call is prolonged.

If you are involved in a stressful call, use the relaxing breathing technique. Don’t let stress get to your neck and shoulder region.

If you have to use a car phone on the move, make sure it is one that doesn’t need to be hand held. Apart from the obvious dangers of driving and holding the phone, you will tend to try and cradle the phone between your neck and shoulder hands this will definitely bring on the pains.

When using a public telephone kiosk try to avoid slouching or leaning on the shelf provided. Stand erect and hold your hand straight. Move the phone from hand to hand if you are having a long conversation.

These phones probably present the least problems as far as the telephonitis is concerned as they are not attached to a unit and can be used more flexibly. But you still have to be careful about your posture while on the phone.

Mentally, people people affected telephonitis very excited when talking for a long time in the telephone. They will not be able to hold not make a call for anyone in the next five minutes.

Tips For Fluor Albus (Keputihan)

In this living, there are many problems about womens sexual organ. At this time i try to write about Fluor Albus (indonesia people call: keputihan).

Keputihan or Flour Albus is a white-fluid other than blood discharge from the vagina, it can be divided into 2 sections, as normal (physiologic) and abnormal (patologis) flour albus.

Normal Flour Albus is not the disease (physiological), usually the fluid clear out no color, no smell and does not itch. this amount of fluid can be a little or quite a lot, happened before and after a period of menstruation, at the time of the sexual or inflame while stress.
However, if the fluid out of the vagina is not clear, creamy, greyish to greenness, thick, smelly like rotten eggs or rank, such as raw fish, itching and many more in number, most likely abnormal flour albus.

If you find & feel abnormal flour albus, fell free to visit your doctor
immediately and try this tips:
1. intimate hygiene vagina in keeping with the conditions remain dry not humid.
2. wash vagina in correct way that's from front to rear.
3. Avoid using vagina douche
4. Pants in the use have to made of cotton material, to avoid irritation and the high humidity in the vagina


Alzheimer is a disease that attacks the memory, or more famous as senile diseases. Alzheimer itself known since year 1906 and found in German by a doctor Alois Alzheimer who make observations on women aged 51 years. Dr Alois Alzheimer observe Women's memory loss has not even broken movement, coordination and reflex.
Alzheimer is a nerve fiber in the Alzheimer patients (Neuro fibrillary), in addition, there are also protein tablet or plaque on the nerve amiloid. This cloud of proteins that cause interference in the nerve cells that result in neuron-neuron brain can not deliver the message.

Alzheimer's Disease can disrupt memory of patient, can even interfere with the ability to speak, eat and dispose of water, can cause the disease to people. Alzheimer itself still will not be the main causes, one of the opinions revealed that Alzheimer disease is a genetic or descent. As the disease advances, symptoms include confusion, irritability and aggression, mood swings, language breakdown, long-term memory lossy, and the general withdrawal of the sufferer as their senses decline. Gradually, bodily functions are lost, ultimately leading to death. Individual prognosis is difficult to assess, as the duration of the disease varies.
However, that this disease occurs in many elderly women over 50 years.

Here are some ways to prevent Alzheimer:
- Eating patterns, food consumed daily
- should avoid the use of aluminum cooking equipment
- take a lot of foods that contain Omega 3, one of the many foods that contain Omega 3 is fish, such as fish tenggiri, Bawal or tuna.
- avoid Air pollution from vehicles and factories, mercury (mercury) and reciprocal (timbale) because it can reduce the ability to deliver nerve messages to the brain.
- traina a memory like playing board games such as chess, computer-games, read book.
Basically the ability to grind down your memory to prevent Alzheimer.

Medication and therapy treatment for patients using drugs called asetikolin nesterase that are given work to add substances that increase the power of memory.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Biological timer

in our body we have auto-biological timer that function of what should be done in the body naturally such as :
- when the body must rest,
- when the body needs food or
- other activities conducted by the body for 24 hours.

Biological timer can be run because of the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN). Knowing that there are cycles in our bodies, we can know when the body in optimal condition so that what we do is also useful for optimal health.